Hey Textverified and Phoneblur users, have you seen our new lower prices lately? We’ve cut prices by up to 40% on over 200 of our most popular services.

We know you have lots of options for your verifying needs, but we’d like you to stick around with us. With our new lower prices, you won’t have to choose between exceptional service and low-cost rentals. We still offer the same great service you’re used to, but with extremely competitive prices.

Did you know we’ve also removed surge pricing? Now you’ll pay the same flat rate for any given service, regardless of its popularity or demand.

We’ve heard your feedback and we now cover all credit card transaction fees too!

And if you’re interested in the deals we run on bulk purchases, just reach out to our customer support team. We love our customers and want to make sure you have a superior experience verifying with us. Happy verifying!